Showing up for yourself. Is that even a thing? Where is the time? What do I even do? What does showing up for myself even look like?
It is a thing. It has always been a thing. And somewhere between living to take care of your family and working hard against the tide to make it in your career, has left you, feeling overloaded, empty and quite frankly in work mode.
Make it work. Make it all happen. Do it all and do it all well.
You are showing up for your family.
You are showing up for your significant other.
You are showing up for your friends.
You are showing up for your employer.
You are showing up for everyone and everything.
Except, for you.
When was the last time, you showed up for YOU?
Be honest, I know, it takes a moment to be truthful to ourselves. I’ll wait.
What is "Showing up for yourself"?
Think of your best friend. Your ride or die. Think of her name.
- Think about a time when she felt down on herself.
- Think about a time when she was lacking self confidence.
- Think of a time you helped her move, or that time she got sick and you showed up to her door step with hot piping soup to make her feel better.
- Think about the time she was dating a guy that was totally wrong for her and you stood by her and picked up the pieces when he flaked. (let’s be real, you knew he would)
- Think about the time that she sounded a hot mess on the phone and you drove over took her new baby and demanded she take a hot shower, take and nap and then eat some lunch before you gave her baby back to her.
That in a nutshell is you, showing up for you. Because let’s be honest, you deserve a bestie like you!
10 Ways you can show up for You!
- Stay hydrated.
- Get enough sleep.
- Eat a variety of nutrient dense foods.
- Move your body.
- Breathe deeply.
- Simple workouts
- Skincare routine
- Meal prepping
- Morning and Night time routine
- express and validate that you have particular un-met needs
- figure out different ways to address those needs
- Feel all the feels
- Avoid categorizing them as wrong, bad or negative
- Realize that your feelings do not dictate how you react
Realize that you are human and that this is a journey. Self love and having our own back doesn’t come easy for anyone. So forgive yourself for:
- not being perfect
- dropping the ball
- forgetting
- not meeting your own expectations
- not treating yourself with respect
- To take a break
- To not overload your plate
- To focus on your own healing
- To say no
We sometimes forget who we are underneath all the relationships we manage. We forget that we are our own person exclusive to our partners, children and family roles. Spend time on your own
- Reading
- Writing
- Creating
- Doing something that is a source of joy for you
Start again. And again. Over and over. Just make one small change every time you get back up. That is all. Remember, if you do the same thing over and over, you’ll get the same result; so change one thing this time.
No one likes to feel alienated. Why would you do that to yourself?
- Look with curiosity and make note of your triggers.
- Paying close attention to giving yourself grace.
- You are worthy of the time you spend on yourself.
- No one else deserves to be their own first priority more than you.