2020 is becoming a defining year for most of us. We are experiencing a kind of stress that we have never had to deal with. We are living in spaces that suddenly seem too small. We are living with people who suddenly seem too messy. We are dealing with a larger list of chores then ever before and there is just no escaping it.
And for a lot of us, it is overwhelm like nothing else.
For a person like me, multitasking was like second nature. I thrived on having “one too many things on my to do list.” Not any more.
This pandemic is causing me to analyze how I can make changes to live differently to better my mental health.
Here are 4 ways I have narrowed down to help me live more simply.
1. Simplify the Clutter
I have less stuff than I used to.
Every day I am making a conscious decision to keep less things. If there is something that I have not used, and it’s taking up space in my life, I am either revamping it, or donating it, or throwing it away if it is unusable ( it is amazing the amount of broken things you can hoard without realizing you will NEVER need it.)
- When I fold the laundry, I try to make a pile to donate.
- When I cook, I try to check for expired ingredients.
- When I get a SALE notification in my inbox I put it in trash before I get a chance to open it. – (no I do not need another pair of comfy pajama style pants to wear on a zoom call.)
- When I buy something for my home, I consider what I could take out and if it’s something I really need.
By getting rid of excess in the house, we are creating more physical space. This space makes for easier living and less clutter to manage, clean and store. I found in my personal experience that, removing physical clutter does wonders for the mental clutter that often builds up in our minds. It helps us process our emotions in a physical way leading to a cathartic release of stress and negative association.
2.Simplify the Chores
This is a BIG one. In the beginning, I used to have one cleaning day. I used to do all the things in one day and it was overwhelming. Why was there so much to clean? Why does the folding last forever? Why is the sink always overflowing?
It was a lot.
- We do laundry every other day – smaller loads to fold, easier to manage and ACTUALLY put away.
- We use the dishwasher every night – We collect all the dishes and cutlery and run it at night.
- We wipe off the dinner table and do not use it as a catch all.
- The mail is opened and taken to the office to file away.
- Amazon boxes are opened and recycled
- We do not allow toys on the couches and we try to get our son to clean up as part of getting ready for bed. (this is a major work in progress, but we are trying to keep on top of him.)
- The office room is where all the work gets done so we can avoid cluttering the house with craft supplies, papers, bills and laptops.
This is the one I am actively working on. In terms of my life especially. I am hoping to keep it up and eventually turning it into a habit.
3. Simplify Meals
Honestly, spending so much time at home can be a lot. Having to look up fun things to eat all the time can be a fun activity, but I find this way of doing things (although I very much liked this) is not sustainable. It is wasteful and it is overwhelming. I find myself making easy food as much as possible and leaving the weekends for more elaborate meals.
- Having tools like a powerful blender, instant pot and air-fryer have been a life saver in making easy food – tasty.
- Recipes with few ingredients help prep be quick and simple.
- Meal prep kits and delivery companies can take the edge off as you get closer to the end of the week.
- On the weekend, I find it much simpler to cook new or more elaborate recipes.
4. Simplify your Calendar
Covid is helping in a major way this year, but this is still a valid point. I know a lot of people who are “keeping busy” at home by doing home improvements, planning staycations, or constantly doing outdoor activities. I think these thing are amazing to do. I mean I watch so many people doing all this and much more to keep themselves from the despair that the pandemic has brought on us.
But hear me out… is it possible to just stare at a calendar and see a blank spot in the weekend columns and be totally happy? I didn’t think so. Believe me. But as time has gone by, I am totally relishing this “do nothing for a day” attitude.
Learning to love your own presence, coupled with your thoughts is the epitome in self love. I am happy to spend time with myself, or with my family without needing any other commitment. Not to say that I don’t like people, I just am loving getting to know myself again, without the noise of a social life. I don’t see myself as an introvert, but I do see the benefits, and I am certainly hear for it.