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Honeymoon Travel Tips

Hello my lovelies,

If you follow me on FB or Twitter, you know I just came back from my amazing honeymoon in Rome!  It was my first time travelling with the husband, so as you can imagine, I was a little worried.  I know we are complete opposites when it comes to travelling.  He love planes – I don’t.  He loves to travel without a plan and I love to research the crap outta something.  I was a little apprehensive that we might not enjoy ourselves because we like completely different things.

However, I must say that the whole trip was a success melding our two different tastes together.

Once you have decided where you want to visit, it can be hard to sit on your computer and figure out how your days should be spent. It is difficult to understand from the comfort of your own home where to eat, to shop, where to stay; so my Shahzadis I have a few tips for you when planning the perfect honeymoon!

Okay so you have shortlisted your destinations and found the perfect backdrop to enjoy each other… now.. what?

  1. Make a list of all the attractions you want to see – This can be a good point to begin because you will have done a little research on what the touristy places are…
  2. DO NOT create a schedule.  I was so busy up until we left that I had done research, but i hadn’t scheduled my days in Rome.  How was I EVER going to get through all the sights if I didn’t make a travel schedule?  Turns out, it was for the better.  We both knew that there were place we wanted to go so each morning, we would map our route with the places we wanted to hit that day and go about gallivanting!
  3. Ask the LOCALS:  We didn’t bother looking up restaurants before we went to Rome.  We left that to the locals.  Each day while gallivanting, we would stop a local and ask: Where is the best Pasta – Pizza -Panini you have ever had? Each and every time we were sent on a wild goose chase into the inner streets of Rome to corner restaurants (places you won’t find on a normal walk down the street) with amazing vibes, non-tourist prices and a mouthwatering menu that almost always made us want to go back over and over again…  They can also suggest unique off -the-beaten-path attractions that you wont readily find on TripAdvisor.  My husband and I found an amazing estate that had the most romantic setting… because a local told us to go there… AMAZING
  4. RELAX: Remember, the point is to enjoy each other, not freak about the places you haven’t been.  Sometimes we underestimate the time it takes to get from place to place… so if you don’t make it out to a place you wanted to see… or an activity you wanted to do… it’s OKAY! You spent time together!
  5. Keep little things like receipts, napkins, cards, matchboxes with the names of places you’ve seen and little nickknacks from your trip, it will be fun to look through them years from now.

These are the things that made our trip so unforgettable and I just had to share it with you all!!

Good Luck and Happy Honeymooning!


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