As the whole world already knows, I am preparing to send my little munchkin to kindergarten. I am so excited for him and so sad for me. I had imagined I would have a bit more time prepare, but alas, his school tweeted the two week countdown today. If you were on my insta-stories earlier this week, you saw five other amazing moms and I prepping to send our little ones out into the big bad world of JK/SK/Grade 1. To help those that would benefit, I’ve compiled our responses in a interview format for you to refer back to! It’s also been fun for me to see how we are similar and different all at the same time!

Kiran – @upanotchgifts
1. About you, and what grade is your child in?
My name is Kiran Ansari. I run my personalized party favor business, Up A Notch, from the suburbs of Chicago. I have three children Alhamdulillah: A high school senior, a high school freshman and a kindergartner.
2. What’s going to be in the first day of school lunchbox?
Pasta with marinara sauce, grapes, fruit snacks and a water bottle.
3. What is something that helps with separation anxiety?
We have been talking about kindergarten all summer. “Wow you can brush your teeth all by yourself, you’re ready for kindergarten.” “Wow you can change your clothes on your own, you’re ready for kindergarten.” Plus we bought books like The Night before Kindergarten and Kindergarten Here I Come (both available on amazon). It’s often easier to verbalize your feelings when you’re talking about someone else. Such as “Sophie is afraid she will miss her mom. She doesn’t have to be scared. She will have a wonderful teacher and so many friends at school that she will be having fun all day.”
4. What’s one time saving tip you have for other moms?
Wash and cut fruits and veggies the night before and put them in small ziploc baggies. Same for crackers or goldfish or skinny pop. I buy big bags and put them in small baggies. Much cheaper than buying individual packs. Lay out your child’s clothes the night before so you’re not scrambling in the morning.
5. If this is your first time prepping for school, what are you most nervous about? If not, what’s one thing about the whole school prep at stresses you out.
Not my first rodeo but she is our baby so I’m nervous about her spending the whole day without me. She will be back around 4 pm so it’s a big jump from preschool.
How do you help that?
I just read protection duas when she leaves so I feel she is well taken care of when I’m not with her.

Hajra – @hajralifecoach
1. About you, and what grade is your child in?
I am a mom and entrepreneur. I am a trained life coach. My son will be starting JK this year.
2. What’s going to be in the first day of school lunchbox?
As its a short day, I will be sending one snack and one meal. I will be sending his favorite snack, grapes and yogurt drink and his favorite food, ground beef pasta, and his water bottle of course.
3. What is something that helps with separation anxiety?
My son is excited to go to school, and as I am in school I will be busy during the day as well, I am hoping that will help keep my mind off it and ease the transition.
4. What’s one time saving tip you have for other moms?
Try preparing lunch the night before so you don’t have to scramble in the morning if you are running late, etc.
5. If this is your first time prepping for school, what are you most nervous about? If not, what’s one thing about the whole school prep at stresses you out. How do you help that?
One thing that is making me nervous is I am worried about my child getting bullied in school! He is a sweet kid and loves sharing, but doesn’t know how to stand up for himself and confront.

Nisha – @_inspireKids_
1. About you, and what grade is your child in?
I am a mom of two and the founder of Inspire Kids. An initiative I started to help kids under ten learn the importance of giving back to their community.
2. What’s going to be in the first day of school lunchbox?
I haven’t had to make a lunch so far as it’s been provided at school. One thing off my list of to-do’s!
3. What is something that helps with separation anxiety?
Separation anxiety is a common fear or most moms. In my case, my anxiety was far more than my son’s. I didn’t want my worries to interfere with my son’s excitement, so I requested my husband to drop him off for the first week, till I got used to the idea of him being away from home. I also recommend to keep goodbyes private and away from other children. There will be a plethora of reactions by children on the first day (even first few weeks), which can negatively affect your child. Children look towards other children for comfort, and when they see another child panicking, their internal alarm sets off wondering if where they’re being left is safe. I make sure to keep my goodbyes short and quick and pass my son off to his teacher.
4. What’s one time saving tip you have for other moms?
One thing we cannot function without during the school year, is having everything for the next day prepped. Everything is placed in easy to access places in The house so my son can get ready independently while I help my daughter get ready. Breakfast is also on the go for us as they both go to school 30 min away from home. This way it avoids a million questions and arguments in the morning.
5. If this is your first time prepping for school, what are you most nervous about? If not, what’s one thing about the whole school prep at stresses you out. How do you help that?
The one thing that stresses me out about school starting next month is the sudden shift in our schedule. During the summer months we do not have a structured routine of any kind. Come September, that suddenly shifts to a 7am wake time. I plan to shift the kids’ schedule by 30 min every few days till the start of school, to avoid a painful start in September. I also plan to have my own routine taken care of, rather than just focus on the kids’. It is important for me to also get my own sleep, meals, work and house work in check in order to function successfully and not take out my exhaustion and stress on them. Making and keeping a successful system will hopefully help us function optimally in the morning and ensure a positive start to our day.

Farah – @Facets.of.Farah
1. About you, and what grade is your child in?
I’m Farah, a full time working mom, with two side hustles. Mom to a spunky 4 year old who is way too excited to dive into the whole kindergarten experience. He has no idea what he’s getting into, but he just can’t wait for whatever it is!
2. What’s going to be in the first day of school lunchbox?
My plan of attack will be familiarity. I am going to attempt to get food in the box that he will love. Also, I know he’s probably not going to eat 80% of what I send the first day, so I’ll have lunch ready for him, when he gets home.
Break: Cheese Stick & Blueberries
Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Egg whites (he hates the yolk), pineapple and raspberries
Water to drink
3. What is something that helps with separation anxiety?
This is a bigger problem for me than for my son. He can’t wait. He is super excited to go to school. For me though, it’s another story. There will be tears, there will be a lot of hugs, and there is a chance I will not want to leave him. But I am bringing my husband, and mother to drag me off the playground. In all seriousness, I think creating a little goodbye routine will help me. I plan on a quick word of encouragement, a big hug and a kiss, followed by letting go. Also a prior talk may need to take place; where Azu will assure me that no matter what he will always be my baby and that he’ll be home soon, and he loves me. Yes, my son parents me.
4. What’s one time saving tip you have for other moms?
One tip I have for moms to make life easier is have their outfits picked out for the whole week on Sunday night. Include undies and easy to remove pants so that it’s not difficult to take off if they need to go pee-pee. This way they just grab the clothes from the shelf for that day and you aren’t running around looking for socks that went rogue.
5. If this is your first time prepping for school, what are you most nervous about? If not, what’s one thing about the whole school prep at stresses you out?
My biggest fear as a mother is that my son won’t like school. We’ve built up this idea of school where he will have a whole group of friends, where there will a teacher that will help him and watch out for him and generally this amazing time. What if he hates it? What if other kids are mean to him. What if his things get taken because he isn’t able to ask for them back? (He was raised to be a sharer – which often leads to others just taking things from him).
How do you help that?
I really think that my anxieties are my own. It’s important to know that you have to have confidence in your parenting. You did the best you could. you have equipped him with enough tools in the last 3-4 years and you have to trust that your child will be okay. It may be a climb at first, but that’s why they have you. This is a new chapter for you both, and new issues will arise. But you will figure it out. Just like the both of you figured out the whole breastfeeding/bottle feeding thing, the whole sleeping through the night thing, the co-sleeping/own crib thing. So just like that, take it one thing at a time.