I’ve been toying… tinkering… tweaking. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a while and I finally made the leap.
A Shahzadi Affair got a face lift. We changed the logo, and made it uncomplicated. Like planning an event should be. We also changed the name. We are now Facet Events!
It was a huge deal to change the name. It meant that ASA would disappear… until I realized that I was changing. That ASA was not really what I was anymore. I have so much more going on in my life! I needed it to reflect that. So I jumped… as I usually do head first into what felt right and changed the company’s name to FACET EVENTS. So that we could celebrate every facet of life.
So is it not totally appropriate that the first post I make on the blog is a naming ceremony I was able to style!?
Baby Lia’s Akikah was a celebration of cute bird houses in pastels accented with birdies – cookies, cupcake toppers, and the most perfectly adorable cake. We also did a candy buffet and I could not resist doing custom chocolate bar labels. We also went a step further and did little custom Rolo stickers with little LiaBird’s birth announcement pictures!
I loved how it turned out! Let me know what you think.
// Paper- My Party Design // Cake – Sweetest Things // Cookies – Toronto Cookies //
// Candy Buffet / Dessert Table / Decor / Execution – Facet Events //